
Once a Member, Always a Member

Did you know that once you join HealthShare Credit Union you’re always entitled to the benefits and status of membership? Even if you change employers, change careers, or move halfway across the country! Because once you’re a member, you’re always a member.

And that “move halfway across the country” thing isn't an exaggeration. As part of the Co-Op Network, HealthShare members can access accounts and services at 5,000+ shared branches nationwide! With over 30,000 ATMs in the Co-Op Network, your money is always available without paying over the top bank surcharges too.

So wherever you go in life, you can keep your HealthShare membership with you. Because once a member, always a member.

Phone: (336) 832-8119
Mortgage Dept: (336) 404-9965
Fax: (336) 832-8129

Lost/Stolen Debit Cards: (800) 523-4175
Lost/Stolen VISA Credit Cards: (800) 325-3678
ABA/Routing Number: 253176037

Moses Cone Hospital
1200 N. Elm Street
Greensboro NC 27401

Wesley Long Hospital
501 N. Elam Ave
Greensboro NC 27403

Alamance Regional Medical Center
1240 Huffman Mill Rd
Burlington, NC 27215

© 2022 HealthShare Credit Union.
Designed By Ewart Technologies Inc.